Yep, we're still here!
We just got a DSL connection in our apartment this week after a LOT of effort and phone calls with Deutsche telekom. A friend here stepped in at a couple points and her final call led to the discovery that "inexplicably" a DSL port had suddenly become available in our building. :) Thank you God! This weekend we're playing catch up - emails, blogging :), etc. It will be good to be able to respond a little more quickly to some things and not get to that place where we feel buried.
So, some glimpses from the gap in time:
Among the new experiences from our Christmas holidays was the celebration of Boxing Day with a British family we have met. They had family friends in town (British and German) and we headed out for a winter walk together before coming back for warm drinks and a lunch of finger foods. This was our spectacular winter walk!
And this was one of our walking companions. She's just too cute not to include!
Our apartment has a small balcony, which Nia certainly enjoys, but she was particularly attentive to what was going on BELOW one day. Here's why:
Puppies! our downstairs neighbor has a lab mix that had 9 puppies. SO cute! I really can't blame Nia for being both so curious and rapt. I stood and watched for a long time too. In fact, the next Saturday the neighbor invited us to come down and play with them while they were out because she'd seen us standing on the balcony watching. I should clarify, she invited John and I - not Nia.
Coming soon: language school, apartment progress, and the Isenheim Altarpiece.