Anyone else remember these dolls?
Well, I had one like it (I won't choose to reveal the year at the moment), and LOVED it. I loved it so much that it still sits at my parents' house, shorn hair, pierced ears, 'make-up' stains, stitched cuts and all. My mom had it out for Little G while were in the US recently. She thought it was pretty great, and I realized what a perfect doll it is for little girls - soft and carryable, and actually cute. We tossed the idea around of bringing "Jenny" (though her name according to Fisher-Price was "Mary") back to Germany for Little G. But Jenny was so loved...she didn't really look like she'd be up to another round of such deep affection. Instead, I found one in good condition online. I opted for an official "Jenny" doll this time, and Little G was delighted.
Today, Jenny was the toy of choice. Little G dragged her around by the neck as she crawled around playing with other stuff. I snapped a photo to send to my mom.
Little G loves riding in her baby carrier. So much so that she starts squealing with delight and doing a little wiggle dance as I start hoisting her in. She was trying to put Jenny on her back. Of course! Why wouldn't Jenny love one of Little G's favorite activities? I found a cloth, tied Jenny on, and Little G cruised around, happily going about the business of playing with Jenny situated on her back.
Amazing to me. She just turned one on Sunday. She's not walking by herself yet, but she's convinced she needs to wear her baby on her back. So Mom, there's your granddaughter, copying her mommy - just the way you like it.
I just happened to check your blog - just in case - and this post is SO adorable! She really does love wearing her baby!
love you guys...
Aunt Loie
Super cute!! Thanks for sharing her sweetness with those of us who are far away. Melanie B.
Oh my word. That is adorable and awesome! I love that!!
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