05 August 2011

why are we in europe?

John spotted this article with videos (be sure to watch the videos) and it in a few minutes captures what we see here in Europe - and it makes our hearts ache.

Dutch rethink Christianity for a doubtful world

Here are a few key quotes:

"A study by the Free University of Amsterdam found that one-in-six clergy in the PKN [Protestant Church in the Netherlands] and six other smaller denominations was either agnostic or atheist."

Klaas Hendrikse: "You don't have to believe that Jesus was physically resurrected"

"Mr Hendrikse describes the Bible's account of Jesus's life as a mythological story about a man who may never have existed, even if it is a valuable source of wisdom about how to lead a good life."

Spelled out like this by BBC, I can only say that I'm even more compelled to be here in Europe, following a real Jesus, creating opportunities for people to see and know the person that He is.

If you have time, these podcasts by Timothy Keller offer beautifully articulated responses to just this kind of worldview.


Mathews said...

so thankful you are in Europe! Hallel asked about your picture on our fridge the other day and it was fun to tell her who and where you are now. I also love seeing your drawings in the last post Shelly.

Marcia Fox said...

Hi John and Shelly,
It's the middle of the night here and I can't sleep, and I have happened upon your blog. I have been enjoying all your pictures and stories and anecdotes from art museums to the culture in general. I love Raclette! A patient of Bryan's recently brought us a Raclette heater from Switzerland. Yum!
I also loved your pictures of Freiburg, as we visited friends there a few years ago. What a beautiful city!
So, so sorry to hear about your sweet dog passing. I know she was really part of your family, and I can only imagine the empty feeling of her not being there anymore. Our dog is 10 and slowing down. :(
Anyway, I know these comments probably all seem random and out of context, but it was really fun to scan through your year and catch up. Sorry to be out of touch and out of the loop for so long. God bless you in your walk and on your adventure in Germany!
Euer Deutsch muss schon fast fliessent sein! Vielleicht sehen wir uns mal naechsten Sommer. Ich habe vor, einige Wochen mit meinen Kindern in Deutschland zu verbringen, um unser Deutsch zu verbessern. Ich weiss noch nicht genau wo, aber wahrscheinlich im Norden, weil wir Hoch-deutsch lernen, und ich glaube es waere dort leichter, mit wenigen Dialekten die wir nicht verstehen werden!
Aber wir werden unbedingt kleine Reisen durch Deutschland machen, und Freunde besuchen!
Alles Gute! Marcia Fox