10 October 2010

first glimpse of Kandern

First and foremost, the Art Factory, where we are staying in a guest room while we find an apartment. It's been great fun to see all the ways it's changed since we saw it over 3 years ago.

It's apple season, and we caught our first German festival the Saturday after we arrived. It was a craft festival in a nearby village, but at the food tent, they were making fresh apple juice.

John hiked up the hill just behind the art factory, and this was the view across the valley on the other side.

And this is typical inside of town.

We walk down this street into the center of town to get to most everything. It follows the edge of the river, the Kanderner, and is a main road connecting area villages.

We're not exactly sure what this is - maybe some kind of lever for operating the shutters? At any rate the heads added for embellishment caught our eyes.

We're both delighted to be here in time to catch the fall colors. The hillsides are beginning to light up with orange and gold.

I have no explanation for this one. Maybe they are trying to appeal to American visitors?

So much that is beautiful around us - we are relishing it and grateful!


Anonymous said...

These are wonderful pictures, giving a glimpse into your new surroundings.
I didn't know you had this blog - found it via Josh and Stacy's. I've been looking for updates on your "john and shelly" blog and wondering why there was nothing there. I'm glad I found you!!
Aunt Loie

Unknown said...

the lever you found with the head.. holds the shutter open when you open it. they swivel at the base. :-) pretty cool eh? I am excited to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Love you guys!

The Boos fam :)

The Griffith Crockatt Family said...

Hi my dear friends! Love the pictures -- so excited that you are finally there! Miss you much and praying for you constantly. Looking forward to that crazy drive to Italy to watch the horse races. The idea of it keeps bringing a smile to my heart! Love to you both. Jane

Tonya said...

these pics make me miss Germany! Can't wait to go back!