30 October 2010

a walk

Want to take a walk with us?

Today was a beautiful day for a walk! The Kandern area is known for its miles and miles of trails through the Black Forest. The other day, a gentleman in town told John how to hike to a castle ruins nearby so today we checked it out. We stopped by the bakery to grab a couple of buttered pretzels and mineral water to take along for lunch and headed out. We can literally walk out the door of the Art Factory and be on a trail in less than 5 minutes. It was nice to be able to take our time; the road/path was pretty ethereal. The Black Forest is full of these trees with tall, dark, smooth trunks and (at the moment) bright golden leaves. We would walk along and ahead of us the breeze sent these golden leaves cascading down, flickering in the sunlight. So beautiful. And so quiet!

Here's just a sample of the view from the top of the tower. John spotted the alps in one direction, and you can see into France from another direction. Totally worth it.

So what ran through my head the whole way home? German. Our teacher will ask us in class, "Was haben sie an Wochenende gemacht?" (what did you do this weekend?) So, I was rehearsing in my head how I will answer her - in Perfect verb form with lots of clarifying phrases in the middle of course! (We spend LOTS of time drilling Perfect tense). I probably don't have it quite right, but here's what I'll say: "Am Samstag Nachmittag habe ich mit meinem Mann und meinem Hund von Kandern zu einem Schloss im Schwartzwald spatzieren gegangen. Der Wald war sehr schon (sorry - don't know how to type the umlaut over the "o"). Die Baumen hatten veil Farben." I might try more, but we'll see. :) It never quite makes it out of my mouth as easily as it runs through my head, but if I get it right, our teacher will be really excited.


Anonymous said...

I loved taking this walk with you! What a beautiful place you've moved to. We're praying for you both.

Anonymous said...

my goodness, those 4 years of hi school German are still partially in my head and I could actually figure out what you wrote...amazing. Miss Schmutz might be proud of me after all!